
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Year 4 is taught by Ms Candlish, with Mrs Rolfe teaching on Fridays. Mrs Liana-Stellmach supports the class throughout the week.


Our PE days for Term 6 are Tuesday (athletics - outdoors) and Friday (rounders - outdoors). Please come to school wearing your school PE kit on these days, bringing school shoes in a separate bag to change into indoors. It is very useful to also have a spare change of clothes on wet or muddy days - this can be kept on your peg in the cloakroom. 


Our drop everything and read day is tbc. Parents are invited to come into Year 4 and read with their child until the register is taken just before 9am.


This term's Forest School session will be held on Wednesday 26th June. Please ensure that wellies and a coat are brought into school on that day (whatever the weather) and come dressed in comfortable, sensible clothes, with long sleeves and trousers. 



Our Ancient Civilisation topic for term 6 continues as we conclude our learning about ancient Sumer. We'll move on to studying Ancient Egypt, when pupils will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each of the civilisations studied.


The topic will also flow through our wider curriculum as we explore:

  • In Art, we’ll learn about the 3-D representation of the human form, including statues, statuettes and figurines and use clay skills to create a Sumer-style figurine.

  • In DT we'll learn about simple machines, including wheels, axles, inclined planes, pulleys and levers, exploring how they helped ancient builders to lift and move heavy loads.

  • In Science we'll continue our unit on electricity.

  • In Computing, we cover the iPropramme unit, developing computational thinking and programming skills to investigate angles and navigate mazes.
  • In RE, our Christianity topic asks: Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?
  • PSHE looks at ‘Changing Me’.
  • Music learning for this term is focused around revisiting songs and musical activities, and gives a context for the History of Music and the beginnings of the Language of Music.
  • MfL – learning the months of the year, creating calendars and sharing birthdays.


In Maths, we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths scheme. In weeks 1 and 2, we'll recap times tables knowledge.

For the rest of term, we will be covering the following areas:


Step 1 Understand angles as turns

Step 2 Identify angles

Step 3 Compare and order angles

Step 4 Triangles

Step 5 Quadrilaterals

Step 6 Polygons

Step 7 Lines of symmetry

Step 8 Complete a symmetric figure


Step 1 Interpret charts

Step 2 Comparison, sum and difference

Step 3 Interpret line graphs

Step 4 Draw line graphs

Position and direction

Step 1 Describe position using coordinates

Step 2 Plot coordinates

Step 3 Draw 2-D shapes on a grid

Step 4 Translate on a grid

If you wish to follow White Rose at home, you can see the yearly overview, small steps and individual lesson resources here.


For more information about each topic, pupils will be able to access knowledge organsiers in class. 


Homework is set on Thursdays and is due on Tuesday each week. It is completed online (please ask if you need another copy of your login details). 

Reading – pupils read a ‘scheme’ book (or novel if free-reader) with an adult at least five times a week. Please complete the reading record form your child brings home on Fridays and ensure it is returned on Thursdays.

DoodleMaths – pupils will be set activities to complete, based on in-class learning that week.

By the end of Year 4, pupils are expected to know all times tables up to 12x12. Please practice times tables on DoodleMaths regularly!

Spelling Shed - children will have access to Spelling Shed’s online platform where weekly spelling lists, set by the class teacher, can be found as well as games and activities to learn the spellings learnt in class. There will be a spelling test every Wednesday.

Library books and scheme reading books will be changed on Fridays.

Reading at home challenge:

Please tell us what you're reading at the moment! 
