
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Religious Education

Religious Education at Bathampton aims to develop pupil's curiosity and awe in the ever changing  world around them. Encouraging children to explore religious and non-religious beliefs and practices with kindness and respect. We see Religious Education as offering a unique opportunity for children to explore life's big questions in a safe, engaging and creative way. It is a rich subject that combines elements of philosophy, theology and sociology whilst challenging stereotypes  and building empathy and preparing them for life in modern society. Using the enquiry approach to learning starts with a question and leads the children from their own human experiences to the values , beliefs and practices within key religions or worldviews. Lessons involve children working to respond to their enquiry with creativity as they express their ideas and beliefs, teamwork as they work together to investigate and explore and resilience as they follow their enquiry through .


 We use Discovery RE as a comprehensive enquiry based teaching programme to deliver the Bath and North Somerset Agreed Syllabus framework. 


We encourage parents and visitors to contribute to RE learning in school to bring the curriculum to life and to share the beliefs of the community we work in.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from R.E. lessons. Any parent considering withdrawal of a child from this element of the curriculum is encouraged to discuss this with the Head of School.

Discovery RE Parent Information
