EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
In Year 3/4, Mr Dodgson is the class teachers and we are supported by the amazing Mrs Yan. The class will be taught by Miss Guttilla on a Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday mornings
Our PE days this term are Monday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing your kit on these days.
Forest School - Wednesday 2nd October
Class Assembly - TBC
Our topic for terms 1 and 2 is Invasion. In this history topic we will be exploring the Saxon and Viking invasions of Britain
We will also be exploring the following across the curriculum
In Maths, we will continue to follow the White Rose scheme. In term 1 we will be covering the following areas:
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
If you wish to follow White Rose at home, you can see the yearly overview, small steps and individual lesson resources.
The whole school is now using a new scheme from the Spelling Shed. Children will continue to have weekly tests having spent time learning their spellings in class. They will also have a login to the Spelling Shed website where they will be able to play games to practise their spellings for that week. You can find the Year Three Spelling Plan in the Useful Documents section below.
Homework is set on Thursdays and is due in on Tuesday each week. It will be completed online (login details can be found in reading record books). Homework will be set from Thursday 14th September.
Reading- pupils read a scheme book, or novel if a free reader to an adult 5 times a week. Please record this in your child's reading record book.
Doodle Maths - children will be set activities based on in-class learning that week.
Doodle Times tables By the end of Year 4 all children are expected to know all their tables. So please practise these regularly.
Spelling Shed- children will have access to Spelling Shed's online platform, where weekly spelling lists set by the class teacher, can be found as well as games and activities that will help your child learn their spellings. Spelling tests will take place every Tuesday.