
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3/4

In Year 3/4, Mr Dodgson is the class teachers and we are supported by the amazing Mrs Yan, Miss Lewis and Mrs Packer. The class will be taught by Mrs Davies on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon.


Our PE days this term are Monday and Wednesday this term. Please come to school wearing your kit on these days.


Forest School - Wednesday 8th January



Our topic for terms 3 and 4 is Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers. We will explore the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.


We will also be exploring the following across the curriculum

  • In English, we will be focusing on finding tales and discussion texts
  • In Science we will be focusing on states of matter.
  • In Art we will be studying Vista and landscapes
  • In French we will  be writing letters to our pen pals.
  • Our P.E. will be Netball (Monday) and Communication and Tactics (Wednesday)

In Maths, we will be covering the following areas:


Place Value 

Addition and Subtraction 

Multiplication and area






Please read at least five times a week with your child. If they are a scheme reader, they will bring a school book home. This will be sent home on Thursdays and reading records/homework books are due in on Wednesdays in order to be checked. 


Spelling Shed - children will have access to Spelling Shed’s online platform where weekly spelling lists can be found, as well as games and activities to learn the spellings learnt in class. A whole-school document listing all spellings can be found below in the useful documents.
Spelling tests will take place on Wednesdays and spelling practice is set to run from Thursdays to Wednesdays.


DoodleMaths – pupils are set 2 assignments each week to complete, based on in-class learning that week and the learning they will complete the following week. They should also do additional practice to stay in the green zone. The recommendation is 10 minutes 3/4 days a week.

Doodle Tables - Regular practice on Doodletables (use will be monitored) - no written materials will be sent home for this. Year 4 children should be practising their tables daily to prepare for the Multiplication Check in June - details can be found here.

