
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives



Welcome to Reception

In Reception, Mrs Lee and Mrs Grice are the class teachers. Mrs Lee teaches on Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays and Mrs Grice teaches on alternate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. They are supported by Mr Webb and Miss Rizzo.


Our PE days this term are Monday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days.


Forest School is on a Friday afternoon.  Please come to school wearing old clothing and waterproof coats plus trousers on these days.  Children can wear their wellington boots that are already in school.


Our topics during Term 6 are Creep, Crawl and Wiggle plus On the Beach 


Creep, Crawl and Wiggle teaches the children about invertebrates that live in their gardens and local environment.


During the project On the Beach the children will learn about the plants and animals that live at the seaside. It also explores holidays in the past and the importance of keeping safe in the Sun. 



Supporting your child at home

  • Go on a minibeast safari, looking under rocks, in dark spaces, in the trees and in soil.
  • Make a bug hotel using instructions found online. Take a photograph of your bug hotel and bring it into school to share.  What minibeasts move into your bug hotel?
  • Research your favourite minibeast and find out some amazing facts about it to share in class with your friends.  You could also draw and label a picture of it!
  • Visit the beach or look at photographs of days out at the beach.
  • Visit the beach to observe the animals that live on the seashore and in rock pools.
  • Use Google Earth to look at the seas and oceans around the world.

This topic encompass all areas of the EYFS curriculum: 

  • Communication and Language 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design 



We follow Little Wandle to teach Phonics. This term, we will continue teaching Phase 4. Children will learn how to read and spell words containing long vowel sounds such as toast or joint. They will be learning about different endings to words such as -ing or -ed.

Please click the link for more information:



Our Talk 4 Writing text this term is The Hungry Caterpillar. You can find our story map and text below.



We follow White Rose for Maths and Maths Mastery; this term we are focusing on:



Maths Concept


Subitise to 5

Introduce the rekenrek


Automatic recall of bonds to 5


Composition of numbers to 10


Comparison, Number patterns and Counting.



Step 1 - identify units of repeating patterns.

Step 2-Create own pattern rules.

Step 3-Explore own pattern rules.



Step 4-Replicate and build scenes and constructions.

Step 5-Visualise from different positions.

Step 6-Describe positions



Step 7-Give instructions to build.

Step 8 Explore mapping.

Supporting your child at home

Each week, your child will bring home a Sound Book, which outlines what we are learning during our daily phonics sessions in school and hopefully provides a helpful reference point for you to practise and reinforce our learning at home. It explains how we teach pronunciation and letter formation and suggests words that you could practise blending.


Your child will also bring home a decodable reading book, which we have already explored in small groups in school; please read frequently with your child - we are aiming for fluency! They will also bring home a high quality sharing book from our library. Explore the pictures and talk about them together. Help your child make connections to the picture and what they know about the world and their life. Enjoy the book together! Sharing a book together will help your child grow their vocabulary. 



Books will come home every Thursday and should be returned the following Tuesday.

Library books will be changed every Tuesday.



Photos of our classroom

Useful Documents for Reception

Recommended Reads for Reception

One Minute Maths

