EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
The Breakfast Den is available for children attending Bathampton Primary School from 7:30am to 8.40am (Monday to Friday) during term time only. It will not run on Inset Days. We offer structured activities and a healthy, filling breakfast ready for the children to start their school day.
The Breakfast Den has a fixed cost of £6.00 per session, which includes a choice of breakfast cereal and/or toast with a drink and fun activities.
The Bathampton After School is available for children attending Bathampton Primary School from 3.15pm up to 6pm ( Monday - Thursday) during term time only. We offer a range of structured creative activities, outdoor games and a healthy filling teatime snack.
The After School Club has a fixed cost of £12.00 per session, which includes a choice of healthy teatime snacks.
The Breakfast club is run by Mr Webb (Teaching Assistant) and Wilson Hotham-Skyrme
After School Club is run by Miss Rizzo (Teaching Assistant) and Wilson Hotham-Skyrme
Wrap Around Care Phone Number
To contact the Wrap Around Care staff regarding collecting your child, the Wrap Around Care phone number is: 07398825795
Booking a place
Places must be booked via Parentpay and must be booked in advance. Payment is required on booking.
Please download the documents below for more information and how to book.
To secure a place please complete and return the registration form and parent contract to the school office at 'enquiries@bathampton.bwmat.org' and then log onto ParentPay to book your child's sessions.
Using Tax-Free Childcare to pay for Wrap Around Care
Tax-Free Childcare or Childcare Vouchers
Tax-Free Childcare and childcare vouchers are both government schemes designed to help with childcare costs.
Tax-Free Childcare
Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme that pays 20% of childcare costs up to a maximum of £2,000 each year. Tax-Free Childcare is a UK-wide scheme covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The scheme is open to all parents of children under 12 (or under 17 if disabled). To apply, you must open a Tax-Free Childcare account online.
Get Tax-Free Childcare: step by step - GOV.UK Check if you're eligible for Tax-Free Childcare, how to apply and how to pay your childcare provider. |
Childcare Vouchers and other employer schemes.
The following schemes are closed to new applicants:
· childcare vouchers
· childcare your employer arranges with a provider (known as ‘directly contracted childcare’)
If you joined one of these schemes on or before 4 October 2018 you might be able to keep getting vouchers or directly contracted childcare.
Bookings for Wrap Around Care are usually made through ParentPay, however, ParentPay is unable to accept Tax-Free Childcare or Childcare Voucher (CCV) funds directly, so there is a process in place to enable you to use your vouchers to pay for Breakfast Club. The funding is sent directly to the BWMAT bank account and is then allocated to each school.
Process for booking and paying for Wrap Around Care if using Tax-Free childcare or vouchers as payment:
Please notify the School Office when you have transferred funds to your Childcare Voucher Provider or your Tax Free Childcare account and let them know where you would like the funds to be allocated to (either Breakfast Club or After School Club)
For Tax-Free Childcare payment confirmation we need the following information:
The TFC code
The date the payment was made
The amount that you paid
Please do not book your child onto ParentPay until the School Office have confirmed that they have received your childcare voucher payment and credited your ParentPay account. Once you have received your credit you can book onto the sessions you require.