EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
Welcome to Year 2
In Year 2, Ms Ovigne and Mrs Wood are the class teachers and we will be supported by Mrs Wang.
Our PE days this term are Monday and Friday. Please come to school wearing your P.E kit on these days.
English: In English we will be learning the Welsh Myth, Cat, Bramble and Heron. This is a losing story. We will be focusing on character description and time adverbs. This will be followed by a Winter Poem where we will focus on adjectives and structure.
Maths: We will be learning about:
Time o’clock, half past, quarter to and past
The calendar, days and months
2,5,10 division facts
Adding and subtracting linked to money and statistics
2d and 3d shape revisited
Science: In Science we will continue with our Materials topic. We will find out about which materials are waterproof, which materials are most absorbent, which materials are transparent, which materials make the best spoon and which materials are magnetic.
Our topic in Terms 3 and 4 is Coastlines
In this geography topic we will be using maps and atlases to locate the oceans of the world. We will also be studying human and physical features of a coastal town. We will learn about physical erosion.
We will link coastlines to Alfresco learning: Understand human and physical feature, explore how cliffs change over time, using aerial photos to devise a simple map.
PSHE: Our focus will be Dreams and Goals
RE: We will be exploring the Big Question: How does praying at regular intervals help Muslims in everyday life?
Music: Our song will be I want to play in a band and Don't Worry. We will be using untuned percussion and using crochets and quavers.
Art and DT: Exploring Colours
ICT: We will be studying programming. Giving instructions, making predictions, maps and routes, algorithm design and debugging.
PE: Dance (Mondays) led by Up and Under, ball skills (Friday) with Mrs Wood.
Library day is Tuesday.
Come in to read Thursday
Key Dates
In spelling children will revisit some of the spelling patterns from year 1 and start to learn year 2 spelling rules as well as tricky words.
The list of spellings for this term can be found below.
Children will be given logins for Spelling Shed where they will be able to practise their spellings using the activities on the Spelling Shed site.
Karate Cats- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdp4pg8
Spelling shed - https://www.edshed.com/login
Maths Resources
Karate Cats- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkphbk/articles/zf4sscw
White Rose Maths Workbooks
Year 2- Addition and Subtraction workbook
Year 2- Multiplication workbook
Year 2- Division workbook
Year 2- Statistics workbook
Kindle versions (Free)
Homework is set each week on Thursdays and is due the following Tuesday. It is completed online (login details found in reading record books).
In Year 2 children should read daily using the book set in school. Please use the comprehension questions at the back of the book. They will also have the opportunity to change their library book every Tuesday.
Spelling Shed - children will have access to Spelling Shed’s online platform where weekly spelling lists, set by the class teacher, can be found as well as games and activities to learn the spellings learnt in class. There will be a spelling test every Friday beginning from week 2.
DoodleMaths – pupils are set 2 assignments each week to complete, based on in-class learning that week and the learning they will complete the following week. They should also do additional practice to stay in the green zone. The recommendation is 10 minutes 3/4 days a week.
Doodle Tables- By the end of Year 2, pupils are expected to know their 2s, 5s and 10 times tables. They should also be able to count in 3s. This will help them to know all times tables by Year 4.
If you would like some additional Maths resources, please see white rose workbooks below which can be printed.