
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Year 5/6

Welcome to Year 5/6


In Year 5/6, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Sheppard are the class teachers and we are supported by Mr Webb.

Our PE days this term are Monday and Friday. Please come to school wearing your kit on these days.


Our forest school day this term is Wednesday 11th September. 



Our topic for Terms 1 and 2 is Maafa. 

This project teaches children about Africa past and present, with a particular focus on Benin. It traces the development of the slave trade and explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.


Our class novel for the topic is Freedom by Catherine Johnson


The topic will also flow through our wider curriculum as we explore:

  • In English, we will explore warning and traditional tales
  • In Art we will study tints, tones and shades
  • In Science we will explore the circulatory system
  • In DT we will be learning about processed food and healthy food choices including planning and making a healthy meal


In Maths, we will be covering the following areas.

  • Place value counting
  • Place value decimals
  • Mental addition and subtraction
  • Addition and subtraction- integers and decimals
  • Number properties
  • Mental multiplication and division
  • Multiplication and division



Homework is set on Thursdays and is due on Tuesday each week. It is completed online (login details found in homework diaries)

Reading – pupils read a ‘scheme’ book (or novel if free-reader) with an adult at least five times a week. 


DoodleMaths and DoodleTables – pupils will be set activities to complete, based on in-class learning that week.


Spelling Shed - children will have access to Spelling Shed’s online platform where weekly spelling lists, set by the class teacher, can be found as well as games and activities to learn the spellings learnt in class. There will be a spelling test every Wednesday.


Useful links to support learning at home:

BBC Bitesize

Timestables rockstars

Reading Challenge - Share what you are reading at home here.



