EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
We expect all of our children to wear our school uniform at all times as it helps to create a sense of identity and community while protecting them from social pressures to dress in a particular way. We are proud of our logo and wearing school uniform helps reinforce our sense of pride in, and belonging to, Bathampton Primary School.
Items which carry the school logo – sweatshirts, PE shirts, PE bags and book bags – are essential to our Bathampton school uniform.
School sweatshirts, PE shirts, PE bags and book bags may all be purchased from our supplier, Michael Hope, who is based in Box. You can order and pay for the items online and they will be delivered to your child in school, free of charge. Or they can be collected from their warehouse in Box directly if easier.
The uniform website is: http://michaelhope.co.uk. Please search for Bathampton school.
The remaining items of our uniform are available at many retailers and supermarkets, such as white polo shirts; grey or black tailored trousers, shorts, pinafores and skirts; navy cotton PE shorts; and blue checked dresses for the summer. Logos on polo shirts are optional.
In the event of financial hardship, where purchasing uniform becomes problematic, discreet support may be possible by arrangement with the head teacher. Please contact the school to make an appointment.
All clothes should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
● Grey or black tailored skirt, pinafore or trousers
● White polo shirt
● Navy blue school sweatshirt* or cardigan*
● Tights (grey or navy blue) or socks (grey, navy blue, black or white)
● Black school shoes (not trainers)
● Blue gingham dress (optional)
● Short, grey, tailored trousers (optional)
Please also note:
● Long hair should be tied back for safety reasons
● Stud earrings may be worn but “dangly” earrings are not safe in school
● No nail varnish or temporary tattoos in school
Please see outlined below the recommended kit that your child should wear for all outdoor learning /Forest School sessions.
If your child does not come to school dressed appropriately for the weather they may be unable to get the most out of their learning or may be unable to take part in some activities.
Sessions will only be cancelled in extreme weathers and children should be equipped for changeable weather daily.
Everyday Kit Your child should have these every Forest School or Outdoor learning session - No matter the weather.
| Wet/Cold Days
| Playtimes We aim to be outside everyday in a range of weathers. The following items are recommended to be in school everyday.
Bags and rucksacks
All children up to and including Year 4 will need a school book bag, which will be stored in the classroom during the school day. We would be grateful if other rucksacks and bags were brought only where necessary (e.g. when bringing in packed lunch or if cycling) as our cloakrooms are not large.
Shorts (navy blue cotton)
School blue PE shirt*
No footwear required
PE Bag*
Games (for use outdoors)
Navy tracksuit or sports trousers (optional)
School blue PE shirt*
Sports socks (white, black, grey)
Football boots (optional)
Forest School
Own clothes suitable for wearing in the school woods
Wellington boots
Rainproof coat
Waterproof trousers (optional)
* Items with an asterisk carry the Bathampton school logo and should be bought from our uniform supplier.