EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
Parents are able to choose between four school meal options each day for their child including at least one vegetarian or vegan option. School is also able to cater for allergies with a tailored menu to suit the child and their needs.
School meals are ordered in advance via ParentPay where menus are viewable for each week of the term. If you would like your child to have a hot lunch, meals should be chosen and booked by Sunday on ParentPay for the following week.
School meals are prepared and supplied from a centralised hub kitchen by our current school caterer Chartwells. Special diets can be catered for. Please find below information in relation to special dietary needs together with the relevant forms to be completed, if your child requires a special diet.
Drinking water is available daily.
The government provides a free school meal daily for all children in Reception, Years 1 and 2.
Free lunches may continue in Years 3-6 if a family qualifies for them by being eligible and applying for Free School Meals.
Please do not wait until Year 3 to apply for Free School Meals. Applying for them from Reception means your child could also qualify for £1,345 in extra funding per year to help boost their overall learning through something called Pupil Premium. This means that children could also receive help with other paid-for items such as school trips.
To find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals, please visit the B&NES website and read the document below. Please also do ask the School Office about applying for Free School Meals. All enquiries are handled in a discreet, confidential and friendly manner.
All hot lunches must be ordered on ParentPay and for children in Years 3-6 be paid for at the time of booking. The current cost of a school meal is £2.80. Children are served lunches in the same way and at the same time as the rest of their year group whether they receive free meals or not.
Children may bring a packed lunch in a suitable lunch box, which should also include a cold drink. We encourage parents to provide a healthy balanced lunch. Glass containers, cans and hot drinks are not allowed for safety reasons.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free fruit at break time. All children are welcome to bring a healthy snack from home, for break time, if they wish.
Children under the age of five receive free milk every day. Parents can also buy subsidised milk for children once they pass their fifth birthday by ordering it directly from the dairy.
Under the Healthy Schools scheme, the school has a water fountain from the mains supply. This is where children can fill their water bottles. Children keep their water bottles on their desks during the school day and are encouraged to drink during lessons. We request that parents ensure bottles are washed every evening and returned to school the next day.