
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Our Governors

Bathampton Primary Governors

We have a strong team of governors who contribute significantly to the school.


There are various types of Governors on our Local Governing Committee (LGC), drawn from different areas of the community, bringing a wealth of experience.


● Parent Governors: elected by parents and carers of children at the school
● Staff Governors: selected by election from teaching and support staff from the school
● Multi Academy Trust-Appointed Governors: appointed by the Bath & Wells MAT, of which we are a part, to represent the wider community or to provide specific skills


Our LGC has delegated responsibility from the Bath & Wells MAT Trust Board. The BWMAT Scheme of Delegation sets out what decisions the LGC can take and which decisions are taken by the Trust Board. Our Full Governing Committee meets monthly, except August.


To find out more about our Governors and their professional backgrounds, please see the information below.

MAT-Appointed Governors


Hannah Tebbutt (Chair of Governors)


Hannah works at the University of Bath where she leads programmes on impact and culture change. Prior to this she was the outreach lead at UWE Bristol, working with schools and colleges across the region to deliver interventions focused on positive progression through education.

Elected by parents from 01/05/2022 until 01/05/2026.



Tony Purpuri 

Tony has one child at the school and is the MAT-appointed governor responsible for safeguarding. Tony is also a Bathampton Parish Councillor, responsible for Highways, and is the liaison between the school and the Parish Council. Professionally, Tony is a Management Consultant and business owner, with nearly 20-years of experience in delivering large-scale engineering projects to the public sector. 



Jael Pfauntsch 



I’m Jay and I’m delighted to be stepping into the Parent Governor role at Bathampton Primary School.

My daughter Mimi is in year 1 and is thriving and we have recently moved into the village to be closer to school and the school community.

For work, I currently head up a Portfolio Management Office (PMO) at the Ministry of Defence and have worked as a project manager in Defence for over 10 years.

I’m looking forward to meeting you all in the weeks and months ahead and working alongside the rest of the school governing body in driving improvements across the school



Staff Governors


Naomi Boyce

The Headteacher is an ex-officio member of the Full Governing Body. Our Headteacher, Naomi Boyce has been in post since September 2022. 


Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher from 01/09/2022.


Josephine Candlish



Parent Governors


Matthew Spurway

We are delighted that Matthew Spurway has been elected to the post of parent governor. Matthew has one child currently at the school. He works as a Test Lead on software solutions for the Emergency Services, with over 21 years of experience working with 999 Call Taking and Radio Communication systems. As a Governor, he our Lead Governor for Admissions. 


Elected by parents from 01/09/2021 until 10/09/2025.





Clerk to Governors


Our Clerk to Governors is Robert Beesley. He can be contacted with any questions on the Governing Body at:


Pecuniary Interests and Code of Conduct

In September 2022, all governors signed to declare that they had no pecuniary or personal interests. 


Meetings and Attendance


BWMAT Scheme of Delegation
