EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
Is your child starting school in September 2025?
Please scan QR Code to access sign up form for Stay and Play Sessions.
The Induction Evening PPT is below for your information.
We have wonderful grounds, space and a range of equipment that supports outdoor teaching and learning. Recently, the Reception Classroom has been updated with new furniture, resources and equipment. The classroom is a space to inspire play and promote learning, supporting all aspects of child development.
Look at the School Readiness Poster for great suggestions for helping your child be school ready. BBC Bitesize have a great website with information and materials to support you and your child starting school. Hungry Little Minds has support for communication, language and literacy development.
We asked a group of parents to give us some top tips to share. They gave us some great ideas.
‘Take a snack when you pick your child up for the way home’
‘Initially don’t over overload children with too many clubs and after school/weekend activities’
'Pack a balanced lunch box with easy open wrappers or boxes’
'Find a good time to share reading books, reading a bedtime story is lovely to have as a bedtime routine, but children can be too tired to read at this time. Finding a good time to listen to your children helps, and keeping it short without pressure’
‘Managing tiredness is key and be aware of early tiredness signs- talk to staff if it is becoming an issue’
'Help your child to settle with a quick drop off in the morning’
At Bathampton we have a wonderful Buddy System where Year 6 children become the buddy for one or two Reception children. We take time to match personalities and interests and consider if it is going to be a positive buddy pairing. The Year 6 children support the Reception children at playtimes, spending time teaching them playground games and support the development of new friendships. As the year progresses, the buddy system becomes a secure and supportive network of friends. It is so successful that pupils aspire to be a nurturing buddy and a role model for our newest pupils and often leave school with fond memories of their own buddies!