EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
A typical school day at Bathampton looks like this:
8:40am - the doors open for DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)
8.50am - the register is taken ( gates close and all children should now be in school. Arrival after this time is now recorded as 'late' and children must report to the office)
9:00am - Session 1 starts and this is usually Maths, English Phonics or PE
10:10am – Assembly
10:30-10.50am – Playtime
10.50am – Session 2 starts and this is usually Maths, English Phonics or PE
12.00-1.00pm- Lunchtime- children can bring a packed lunch or have school dinners
1.00pm - Afternoon Registration
1.15 pm - Session 3 starts
2.00pm - Afternoon Playtime
2.10pm- Fifth learning Session
3.00pm - Class Story
3.15pm - School ends
12:15pm – Lunchtime – children can bring a packed lunch or have school dinners
1:15pm – Afternoon Registration
1.20pm - The afternoon session starts with Whole Class Guided Reading and then could be a topic lesson, PE or anything from our curriculum
3:15pm – School ends