EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
Year 4 and 5 is taught by Ms Candlish and Mr Gibbons. Mrs Liana-Stellmach and Mrs Davies also teach and support the class throughout the week.
Our PE days for Term 1 are Wednesday (Up and Under - game sense/invasion - outdoors) and Friday (tag rugby - outdoors). Please come to school wearing your school PE kit on these days, bringing school shoes in a separate bag to change into indoors.
Our drop everything and read day is Thursday. Parents are invited to come into class and read with their child until the register is taken just before 9am.
This term's Forest School session will be held on Wednesday 18th September. Please ensure that wellies and a waterproof coat are brought into school on that day (whatever the weather) and come dressed in comfortable, full-length trousers, and a top with long sleeves. A fleece would be useful too.
It is very useful to also have a spare change of clothes on wet or muddy days - this can be kept on your peg in the cloakroom. Waterproof coats and wellies need to be in school to maximise play times.
Urban Pioneers is our practical geography topic in Term 1. After studying how information is represented in different ways, through maps and atlases, we take the learning outside to complete a fieldwork project looking at the geography of our local area.
Our class novel is The Last Bear by Hannah Gold
The topic will also flow through our wider curriculum as we explore:
In Science we'll hone our investigation skills by developing enquiry questions and strategies to answer them. The focus is on the skill of investigation and we'll concentrate on beaks (evolution), bones (skeletons) and blood (circulatory system).
Our topics for maths this term are:
Place value
Mental addition and subtraction
Addition and subtraction
Mental multiplication and division
For more information about each topic, pupils will be able to access knowledge organsiers in class.
Useful links to support spelling at home:
DoodleMaths and DoodleTables
Homework arrangements for the school will be published in Week 2.