EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
Our Science Curriculum helps to foster an enjoyment, a curiosity and a respect for the huge impact that science has in our world. During a child's life at Bathampton, children will undertake a journey that includes the three disciplines of science: physics, biology and chemistry. They will be equipped with all the scientific skills that will enable them to investigate a line of scientific enquiry and develop their ideas and reach conclusions based on evidence and observations they have collected. We ensure that every science topic includes an aspect of investigative work, so that all children have an opportunity to discover new ideas for themselves, and in so doing, begin the process of becoming young scientists.
Children will demonstrate our school values by showing respect and kindness when sharing ideas and finding out about our natural world; creativity when developing their own fair tests or designing a product that conforms to a set of key criteria; curiosity when asking questions and re-evaluating their own understanding based on new discoveries; teamwork when working collaboratively to carry out an investigation and developing their resilience and accuracy when considering the reliability of results and being prepared to repeat procedures and observations to ensure the validity of their conclusions.
Science in our primary school reflects this diverse and demanding set of skills in a fun, active and exploratory way. Our aim is to foster an enthusiasm and respect for science by providing a range of activities that enables children to develop their own investigative skills and knowledge. We ensure that every science topic studied includes an aspect of investigative work, so that all children have an opportunity to discover new ideas for themselves, and in so doing, begin the process of becoming young scientists.