EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives
At Bathampton Primary School we are proud of our nurturing environment.
We are a non-denominational community school which prides itself on being a place of equality and inclusivity.
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
The Key Values are:
Democracy is taught to all year groups through our PSHE curriculum in the Autumn term and throughout the rest of the year.
Promoting a curiosity and understanding of the democracy process with our House Captains, Eco Club and Leadership crew.
Providing pupils with a broad general knowledge of and promote respect for, public institutions and services;
Encouraging pupils to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure they are listened to in school through the leadership crew and opportunities throughout the year;
Working with people of significant standing within our community, such as our local MP, mayor and emergency services
Through Antibullying week and other opportunities throughout the year we model how perceived injustice can be peacefully challenged;
Rule of law is taught to all year groups through our PSHE curriculum in the Autumn term and throughout the rest of the year;
Children explore within our JIGSAW curriculum, what laws are and what to do if peer pressure is trying to persuade children to break these;
Implementing our school rules and JIGSAW class charters which have clear and agreed statements, and ensuring that the children know their own right and respect the rights of others;
Expecting children to responsibility in many ways in school including our Year six buddies and community leaders.
Each week in our celebration assembly, we celebrate those who have adhered to our school rules and demonstrated our values of Respect, Curiosity, Creativity, Kindness, Resilience and Teamwork;
Implementing our procedures and protocols for dealing with any behavioural or bullying issues, racial, homophobic and other forms of discrimination, which demonstrates to pupils that we take these issues very seriously, mirroring the attitudes of British society;
Individual liberty is taught to all year groups through our PSHE curriculum in the Autumn term and throughout the rest of the year;
Teaching children an understanding of human rights, in particular the UNICEF rights of the child, through assemblies and PSHE lessons;
providing our extra-curricular provision, which offers equal opportunities for all children, boys and girls, and children with Special Educational Needs in sport and other areas.
Holding discussions throughout our curriculum, which allow children to develop respect for the opinions, values and beliefs of others.
Teaching an understanding of the concept of freedom and choice;
Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour and for a variety of roles which assist in the running of the classroom;
Adhering to policies which promote inclusion and individuality
Challenge stereotypes;
Implement a strong anti-bullying culture;
E-Safety units of work are taught throughout our computing and PSHE curriculum with the skills being applied in our others of our curriculum.
Mutual Respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is taught to all year groups through our PSHE curriculum in the Autumn term and throughout the rest of the year.
Celebrating many British festivals and special events, e.g. Remembrance Day, November 5th, Christmas, Easter, World Book Day, Children in Need, Red-nose day
Inviting representatives from various groups, such as Police, local MP, charities and the local church to visit our school and talk to the children in both lessons and assemblies.
Explore positive role models (where possible) through our topics who reflect the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act;
Our RE scheme ensures that our children have a good understanding of a range of religious beliefs and customs;
Help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life;
Challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour;