
Bathampton Primary School

EverybodyBelongs ~ Aspires ~ Thrives

Our Outdoor Learning Curriculum

Outdoor Learning is a fundamental part of who we are at Bathampton. We make the most of fantastic learning opportunities in the school’s amazing grounds and wider community. All classes have regular opportunities that embrace child led learning and makes links to the wider curriculum.

All classes have a Forest School session each term that blends a traditional approach with curriculum based learning. To find out more about Forest School, click here.


Our provision is deeply rooted in and looks to develop our core values through;

building resilience, promoting teamwork, showing respect and kindness for others and nature: exploring the world around them with curiosity and showing creativity through problem solving  and woodland crafts.


Curriculum based outdoor learning may include exploring fire and the "Great Fire of London", animals and their habitats, recreating "land art" in the style of Andrew Goldsworthy and learning ancient skills such as pigment dying and creating structures using "wattle and daub" as the Vikings did!


Forest School activities are appropriate to the children’s age, the weather and the season and include building dens, wood carving, using tools, making homes for insects and mini-beasts, observing nature and making camp fires.


Sessions may sometimes venture off the school site and into the local community. Exploring the canal or to the Dry Arch Growers project in Bathampton or further afield to explore Bath's rich history.
